One girl brutally murdered and raped in south Indian state Kerala by many men. Did that incident get as much media coverage as Nirbhaya case in Delhi ? No..because media is focused only on few politicians of India , like modi, kejriwal and rahul gandhi etc. Majority of media channels show most of the news that is related to delhi , cm of delhi or pm of country etc. But india lies in states from kashmir to kanyakumari. We never listen what is happening in Nagaland , what is happening in arunachal pradesh , tripura , sikkim, puducheri , laksdwip or andman nikobar etc. Are these states not part of India ? Only news related to delhi or kejri , modi , rahul etc is well enough to prove media as a forth pillar of democracy ?
Not only India having this issue. I'm sure almost the whole country do have this media ignorance in certain area of the country.